Be Wise - You Can Nolonger Top Up Your Glo BIS Gig, Might Soon Be Blocked

I can't really guarantee you that Glo bb subscription will last till the end of  this month, that was why I said if you have every possible opportunity to top up your Glo Gb, do it. Unfortunately, while I was trying to cross check some code on my Glo line, I discovered that you can no longer top it up
again. Instead, you will get a sorry message that "sorry you are not allowed to make this change, kindly choose another data plan".

So Android users, be wise. If you had already top up to 12GB or more, use it wisely because you never can tell if you’ll be able to re-subscribe or not. However, I need a new person who had just succeeded in changing his/her imei to make a Glo bb subscription to see if it’s will be approved or not.

Don’t be scared wither it will be blocked or not, there will always be a way out. So use your Glo GB wisely. 

Another thing to note, all Android users that have rooted their phones, I discovered a lot of new users are not familiar with so many things on their device hence end up cutting the lifespan of their Android device short. Don’t delete any app on your device if you don’t know what it does. If at all there is something you needed to do always ask and you’ll be put through on how to go about it.

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