Browse And Download Unlimited With Your MTN Sim For Free

I have been thinking of posting this tweak  tutorial for quite some time, but  I needed to confirm if this Mtn tweak will work. Am glad it worked perfectly. You all knew that Mtn just stopped the unlimited BIS subscription data plan. I don’t know if they are actually competing with Airtel, because with my airtel sim, I have 8.8gb of data cap left. Don’t ask me how but follow the tutorial step by step.  Initially you can download unlimited with  your Mtn Blackberry Internet Service  but cannot watch Youtube videos; now reverse is the case.  But then, before you can use it on system, you will need to make sure that you have some installed software like Spotflux etc. But now, you don’t need to install any software before it will browse on you PC. Just  insert your  subscribed BIS Sim into 
your modem and it will connect straight away.

Well, their new data cap has been reduced to 3gigabytes and if you are a heavy internet user like me, surely that wouldn't be enough . As long as I am concern, within the time frame of two weeks,   you will just exhaust your 3gb data cap; which means it can finish at any time.
Don’t too worry, as their will always be a way out.  This is now the latest development.
Once you discovered  that your MTN BIS Complete has stop working, and  has not yet reach the required expiration period, just  do  the following:
  1. Load 250 naira airtime on your Mtn Sim
  2. Subscribe for Mtn 2H plan by sending 2H to 131
  3. Then keep surfing and downloading until you are tied of the internet.
At this time, it will just be blazing like fire. I do tell people, if you keep  subscribing for MTN night plan which goes for #2,500 or any of their plans, then you are not wise. Bis complete which goes for #1,500 is the inn thing now. You don’t need to have a blackberry phone before you can do this, even with your Nokia phone, you can subscribe for Bis complete and browse from your Nokia phone. 

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