How To Create A Prov File For Free Browsing
Nowadays, Prov file is very Important because some free browsing cheats you implement on java phones using uc browser handler, opera handler will not work in the absence of Prov.
PROV is a self made configuration file that contain any IP and PORT you want.
If you have any IP for Opera or other Application on Nokia Java S40 Phones, You can't directly input it into the Personal Configuration Settings, You have to create a Prov for it to work with that IP and that's what i'm about to teach you! Just keep reading.
Update! See Sure Cheats You Can Use With Your Prov File!. Click here
Before creating any Prov file, take this to note that:
- Prov does not work for Sony Ericsson or Nokia Symbian Phones, It only works for Nokia S40 Phones e.g Nokia 3110C, 2770C and many others!
- Always download Prov file to your phone via Opera Mini or UC browser, Don't ever use your Phone Normal Browser.

How To Create Prov For Java Phone:
- If you have any tweak for uc browser or opera mini that involves prov creation.
- Simply go to | When the site opens, Click on Express Prov Creator >> Choose Nigeriaas Country then Select the Network you want to Create Prov for and insert the IP and Port then ClickGenerate!
- Download it to your Phone as .prov. Don't forget to download it using opera or uc (not your phone's normal browser)

Now send the prov you downloaded on your Phone to the Other Phone you collected from someone e.g from your Phone to someone Sony Ericsson, Symbian phones or China phone.
- Re-Send the Prov file from that Phone back to your phone through Bluetooth, The File will come in as aConfiguration File, Then you can Save and Activate it.
- Go to Settings > Configuration > Default Configuration Settings , Then Choose the Prov File you just send to your Phone and press OK, press Back and also click on the Activate Default on all Applications.
- Then go back and also click on the Default Access Point and choose the New Prov and Activate it, Now you are done.
PROV is a self made configuration file that contain any IP and PORT you want.
If you have any IP for Opera or other Application on Nokia Java S40 Phones, You can't directly input it into the Personal Configuration Settings, You have to create a Prov for it to work with that IP and that's what i'm about to teach you! Just keep reading.
Update! See Sure Cheats You Can Use With Your Prov File!. Click here
Before creating any Prov file, take this to note that:
- Prov does not work for Sony Ericsson or Nokia Symbian Phones, It only works for Nokia S40 Phones e.g Nokia 3110C, 2770C and many others!
- Always download Prov file to your phone via Opera Mini or UC browser, Don't ever use your Phone Normal Browser.
How To Create Prov For Java Phone:
- If you have any tweak for uc browser or opera mini that involves prov creation.
- Simply go to | When the site opens, Click on Express Prov Creator >> Choose Nigeriaas Country then Select the Network you want to Create Prov for and insert the IP and Port then ClickGenerate!
- Download it to your Phone as .prov. Don't forget to download it using opera or uc (not your phone's normal browser)
Now send the prov you downloaded on your Phone to the Other Phone you collected from someone e.g from your Phone to someone Sony Ericsson, Symbian phones or China phone.
- Re-Send the Prov file from that Phone back to your phone through Bluetooth, The File will come in as aConfiguration File, Then you can Save and Activate it.
- Go to Settings > Configuration > Default Configuration Settings , Then Choose the Prov File you just send to your Phone and press OK, press Back and also click on the Activate Default on all Applications.
- Then go back and also click on the Default Access Point and choose the New Prov and Activate it, Now you are done.
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