How to Use MTN 0.0 With Pronet VPN V10.10

Its weekend people and I guess we should try something new. Introducing another surfing bomb vpn called Pronet. The pronet vpn is a remolded version ofPsiphon with cool features and more stable when it comes to connection. It is faster than netify, Syphone shield and even the local mighty psiphon vpn. Thanks to Droidguru for discovering this VPN, I raise yansh for you.

The good news is, it also currently works with the all trending MTN 0.0 free surfing. You can use the same settings has you have on your Psiphon settings or use the below settings.

Where Can I Download it?
Download it here

Set it as seen below
>>Untick Remove Port
>>proxy type - Real host
>>Proxy server-
>>Real Proxy type:http

Click save
>>Select any country of your choice e.g Singapore, UK or Japan

>> Click ProNet Options
>> Mark "Connect through an HTTP Proxy"
>> Enable or Choose " Use the following Settings"
>> Host Address :
>> Port : 8080

>> Now Go back and connect.
If you also want to use it with MTN BBLited, just use the same settings as you always have on your psiphon and you are good to go.

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