Cpm Vs Cpc: Which Type Of Ads Network Should I Monetize My Blog With?
CPM & CPC ad networks are created
for a reason. I believe the reason
why both exist separately sometimes
is To help you monetize your site
properly with the best possible
options that will maximize your site's
traffic. Now the issue is knowing
whether you are to use Cpc or cpm to
monetize. I'll do my best to help you
make this decision in this post.
Types of ad Networks / ad Types based
on CPC and CPM
There are 3 different classes of ads or
ad networks when you want to
consider them with these 2 broad
1. CPC only: These ads display on your
site and only make money when
someone clicks on them.
2. CPM ads: these ones helps you to
make money only by page views. So,
whether someone clicks it or not, you
will still be able to earn. CPM ads are
the mostly the preferred form of
monetization because sometimes you
find out that users intentionally avoid
ads which is a selfish act. But there is
nothing you can do about it. You
can't and shouldn't convince anyone
to click your ads. So, CPM Ads will
help you earn even when someone
doesn't click. You have to understand
that CPM means Cost per 1000 page
3. CPM vs CPC ad Networks
These are hybrid ads. They run and
make money both by simple page
views and also by clicking. So, if
someone visits a page where the ad is
active, you'll surely earn some money
and if the person clicks the ad, it's
additional money.
So, they are about the very best type
of adverts one can run on his site.
But there is a glitch. Cpm/Cpc hybrid
Ads as you'll expect offers less Cpc &
cpm than the other 2 ad types.
This is simply because you have 2
earning means and the earnings will
be well above the other singular
types of ads. So, ad networks have to
do a lot of work in ironing out the best
bids for cpm/Cpc ads.
So, How do one choose the best
monetization means for his site in terms
of Cpc & Cpm?
I'll answer this question based on
experience and what I had seen with
my own personal ad campaigns and
the answer for all I know may not be
the same always.
Should I use Cpc ads?
Cpc ads can be great, really great but
that's if you have an audience that
will really click it. For example, if
your site is about Reviews & you review
phones online, hotels or anything that
has a link to be purchased or viewed
online [which is literally everything
these days], you should opt for this.
Because people will naturally want to
click to find out more about what you
are dealing with.
In this case, Cpc will be your magic
earning means. You really should go
for it.
In essence, if your site is about reviews
or anything that attracts people with a
ready mindset of leaving to check out
more of what is being talked about, Cpc
is cool.
I know you may be thinking that
people will always want to check out
more about a topic but wait till you
read down.
Also, Cpc ads are best for sites with
little but targeted traffic and review
When should I Monetize my site with
Cpm ads?
Cpm ads can come to the rescue if
you have a lot of traffic, like 10,000
page views daily. REMEMBER Cpm is
simplysimply the amount they are
paying you for every 1000 views.
Some simple Cpm Mathematics
Say, Cpm for an ad is $2
And you get 600 page views in a day.
If you had gotten 1000 page views,
your earnings would have been $2
but since it's 600, your earnings can
be calculated as
2*600/10001000 = $1.2
So, given a Cpm of $2, and you get
600 page views, you'll get $1.2
So, you can see that CPM is cool but
it's great when you have a lot of
traffic but people on your site doesn't
seem like the category that will like
to leave for example. If you are
running a social network, people will
most likely ignore your ads. This is
because they came to your site to
chat and meet friends so anything
else will most likely be a distraction
which the user will ignore.
So, in situations like this, you should
go with Cpm ads which won't require
anyone to click anything before you
earn. Examples of sites that can
monetize effectively through such
means is http://facebook.com , http://
These sites can easily monetize via
cpm because they have a lot of traffic
and can easily make several dollars
without anyone clicking anything.
Cpm/Cpc Ad Types
These ones are universal. Anyone
can use it. If you believe that you fall
in between the two main categories,
you can easily opt for the hybrid and
successfully make money from your
Rounding up... Choosing the best ad type
for your site
You should know that there is no sure
means of totally optimizing your site
to the optimal state for state but it's
by a combination of several methods,
a lot of trials and testing and
constant tweaking that him achieve
the very best earnings with your site.
I advise you don't push your site too
hard until you have some traffic then
you can start trying different ad
Singular vs Hybrid Networks
This is another question that people
frequently ask. Should I go for ad
networks that supports both cpm and
Cpc or should I go for the specific
The answer is never sure.
Some ad networks like http://
propellerads.com that flies the flag of
lone Cpm ad network are really good
but also ad networks like Adsense that
flies both ads are also awesome so I
guess in this case we have to fall back
to the tweaking and testing part of the
whole monetization process.
Hence, to know whether you should
use only Cpc, cpm or the hybrid ad
networks, you should test it out and
know which one works best for your
How much Traffic do I need before I
start monetization?
Another very important question
people normally ask.
To answer this question, I'll say
there's no amount of traffic that you
should target before which can start
monetizing your blog.
Actually the question of monetization
can be answered in a thousand ways
by just 100 people. So, generally,
websites and blogs that are very
niche specific can easily sell
something and make lost of money
with their blogs but others that deals
on varied traffic has to rely on the
power of masses if they must make
good money out of their blog!
Hence, check your site well, if you
can sell anything [you almost always
can], then go ahead and sell. If you
can't do this effectively, you should
grow your traffic and monetize with
the large traffic you have.
That's that about the question of, how
should I monetize my blog? Cpc or Cpm?
If you have any related questions,
you are welcome to ask.
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