See The Reason Why Airtel BIS Is Not Working On Your Android Phone
See The Reason Why Airtel
BIS Is Not Working On Your
Android Phone
A lot of complain has being brought on this
blog and other related blogs concerning the
sudden stoppage of Airtel BIS plan on android
devices which offers 3GB worth of data at just N1000 .
But now, we know the cause of it and the main culprit behind it.
Am sure you are aware that Airtel BIS on
android requires no VPN application in other
to work but what it needs is just tweaking of
any blackberry 10 IMEI on your phone
shikina! I have already published a list
of valid BB10 IMEI you can select one from
the list and tweak on your phone.
But what actually is the cause of airtel BIS
not working on android? You remember the
airtel 2GB for N200 data plan which works
on 2g network? It is the culprit.
I noticed that
you won't be able to use Airtel BIS again on
your android device once you are subscribed
to that data package.
In case you are new to this airtel BIS and
how to use it on android, go to this post how
to use airtel BIS on android.
How Can I Get Out Of This Mess?
The best and only solution is to opt out of
airtel 2g network data plan or wait till it
completely expires before subscribing for the
BIS package.
The best method to opt out is
by contacting airtel their Customers Care
(CC). Alternatively, you can Opt out by
STOP to 141 or STOP to 482
in an SMS.That's all. Are you currently rocking airtel
3GB bis on your devices? Let's see your
comments. Also if you are having any other
issues, bring it here let's tackle it as well.
Happy Browsing!!!
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